

Self-esteem is something we all have in various amounts and reflects the general overall opinion that people have of themselves. People with low self-esteem generally have a low opinion of themselves, judge themselves negatively, and tend to place a lower value on themselves as individuals.


Question: Do you ever think that you are weak, stupid, defective, unworthy, inferior, useless, worthless, unattractive, ugly, unlovable, a loser, or a failure?

If you answered yes to any of these then you could have a problem with your self-esteem. It is important to note that low self-esteem is extremely common for many people. Low self-esteem may also manifest in the following ways:

  • Ignoring the positives (i.e., qualities, achievements)

  • Frequent self-criticism

  • Negative emotions

  • Relationship problems

  • Self-care impairments

  • Work/study challenges

“I now feel liberated now that I have updated the lens in which I see myself…I am worth it”