Questions about Maslow Services

Who is the service for?

The therapy service is primarily provided to adults aged 18 and over. Adolescents will be considered with the consent of their parents or guardians.

How many sessions will I need?

It is particularly difficult to provide a definitive answer to this question without meeting you to discuss your individual situation. However, CBT is designed to be structured and time-limited, so it is common for us to agree upon a specified number of sessions early in our therapy; although this is open to review as therapy progresses. Maslow Therapies are always guided by the evidence base for the use of CBT with various clinical presentations, although the average number of session required to experience noticeable improvement regarding your emotional distress is between 8-12 sessions (approx.).

Occasionally, our clients desire a more open-ended approach, which we are happy to discuss.

How much does it cost?

At Maslow Therapies, we are committed to providing a competitively priced service. If you are interested in receiving therapy from Maslow Therapies, please contact us either by telephone or email, at which point we can discuss cost with you.

Cost Per session:

£85 per 50-minute session if people are in full-time employment

£65 per 50-minute session for anyone else (e.g., people who are in part-time employment, students, retired)

Note: In certain situations we can be flexible although this will be handled on the merit of each individual case

What if I miss my appointment?

Unless waived or otherwise negotiated by mutual agreement, if you do not attend for a scheduled session, or you cancel giving less than 24 hours notice, the full fee for the session will be charged. If you arrive late for your session, the full fee will still be charged, and due to the therapist’s other commitments, unfortunately the time cannot be extended.

Note: Unforeseen extenuating circumstances may excuse this although this will be handled on the merit of each individual case

How do I make a payment?

There are several methods to pay for sessions. At Maslow Therapies, we are extremely flexible to your needs and will endeavour to work around you. Standard procedure for payment to your therapist is via invoice at the end of each week. Payment can be made via cash, cheque, or bank transfer.